Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 08 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   8 33333333333333333333333333333333
   8 3333333333333333
   7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   5 "8";"START THE TAPE":
   4 h;" 48K Only"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   4 @@@@@@@@@@@
   4 - Q to Quit":
   4        THEN PRESS ANY KEY       
   3 USE LIST 2
   3 ;"________________________________"
   3 ;"READY?":
   3 ;" STOP THE TAPE "
   2 pppppppppppppppppp
   2 llllllllllllllllll
   2 h;"Page ";a/h:
   2 h;"Page ";a/h
   2 __________________
   2 TPrev     
   2 POrev     
   2 JSWrev    
   2 CArev     
   2 (k/;/k/;/k/;/i(
   2 (i/;/k/;/k(
   1 you've won
   1 you hit a Ghost
   1 xx,yy;" ":
   1 x=x+(a$="a"
   1 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
   1 tomato    &
   1 taller    K
   1 tallcode=32000
   1 tallcode,200
   1 tallcode+195
   1 sc=sc+inc:
   1 reviews1  :
   1 r1,r2;"  ";
   1 level=level+1
   1 i=tallcode
   1 hat workspretty well."'"  There are 16 levels, varying  in difficulty, with double col- our changes and ext
   1 h the stair- cases
   1 ghosts    a
   1 game working
   1 draw board
   1 ded that Arcade sell 25,000 copies, as   they are putting 20p a copy intoa fund. Deadline January, 
   1 cover$    
   1 cover     
   1 can survive is by finding the 
   1 a$="                        "
   1 THE TAPE ":
   1 SHOOT     
   1 Or wherever you want to put it
   1 H(F)=H(F-1
   1 H$(F)=H$(F-1
   1 H$(F)="SPECTRUM":
   1 GGGGGGG22200222
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CCCCCCGGCCCD@@@@@@@
   1 AAA~B@x@@A
   1 @@@@@@GGCEDDCCCCCCC@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@GGCCDDCCCCCCC@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@GGCCCDCCCCCCCFFF@@@@@@@@@
   1 <Tomatoes and avoiding  
   1 ;H$(F);":";(
   1 ;'"     By M.KING & J.WHITEN.":
   1 ;"________________________________":
   1 ;"Welcome to Ghost Exterminator";
   1 ;"SPEED ?"
   1 ;"SCORE:     ";
   1 ;"Q for up";
   1 ;"Press any Key":
   1 ;"Please enter your initials";
   1 ;"Level : ";level
   1 ;"LET TAPE RUN "
   1 ;"How Fast is a Megacycle?":
   1 ;"HOW MANY 
   1 ;"HI SCORE: ";Hi
   1 ;"By M.KING & J.WHITEN"
   1 ;"Any key to PLAY or Q to QUIT":
   1 ;"A for down";
   1 ;"1 2 3 4 5"
   1 ;"0 to blast the 
   1 ;" from Software Projects";
   1 ;" The Prize from Arcade";
   1 ;" START THE TAPE "
   1 ;" S H O O T  "
   1 ;" Press any key to play "
   1 ;" NEW HIGHSCORE !!"
   1 ;" LOADING "
   1 ;" GAME OVER "
   1 ;"  You are the local vicar and   you have been called to remove  the ghosts. The beam of light   from your cross is sufficient tokill the ghosts but this also   blows out your walls.";
   1 ;"  HALL OF FAME   "
   1 ;"  CARNIVAL from Eclipse";
   1 ;"   STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY    ";
   1 ;"   Press any Key (Q to QUIT)"
   1 ;"   Press P for a printout, or"
   1 ;"     POGO from Ocean";
   1 ;"     AND THEN PRESS ANY KEY     "
   1 ;"      JET SET WILLY";
   1 ;"         PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"                         ";
   1 ;"                          "
   1 ;"                               ":
   1 ;"                
   1 : ";s;"    ";
   1 22222222222222
   1 222222222222
   1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222
   1 .i.i.i+k+i+k+i.i.k.i.i.
   1 .i+k+k+k+k+k+i.i.i.
   1 +k+k+k+k+k+k+k.
   1 *i+k+k+k+i.
   1 (k/;/k/;/k(
   1 (i/;/k.3.k/;/k(
   1 (i/;/k.3.k/;/i(
   1 (i/;/i/;/i(
   1 (i(i(i(i(i(i(k(i(k(i(i(i(i(
   1 (H(F)+50000
   1 '''''"  Press 'R' to read again or     any other key to LOAD the next  section."
   1 ''''"     PRESS A KEY TO START"
   1 '''"Tired of your inadequate height?"''"Do you have difficulty catching other people's attention?"''"Does the wife tend to squint if you try to show her something?"''"Does it even make your head acheat the end of a long day?"
   1 '''" Software contributions to:"'' "   ""Spectrum Computing"""'"   1 Golden Square"'"   London"'"   W1R 3AB"''"  We pay for programs published and make you slightly famous. Oryou pay us and we'll keep your  name out of it!"
   1 ''"      Movement Keys are:"''"       Q to T for UP"'"       A to G for DOWN"''"    CAPsSHIFT to V for LEFT"'"    SPACE to B for RIGHT"
   1 ''"        TOMATO CATCH-UP"'"      By David Frere-Smith"''" The only way YOU THE GLOBOID>
   1 '"Wizard Prang no longer suffers  these social disasters, and you too can now benefit from his    new spell for increasing height!"
   1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1 %%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                 
   1 "won't crash, you'll just get a  '?' for the unrecognised codes.   The routine will work with    alternative character sets in   usual way, but not with UDGs or block graphics, which print '?'."
   1 "voices nagging you about the    seatbelt. That's just a poshed  up fairy light. No, real useful stuff. Once a computer is con-  trolling your ignition and fuel systems, it's no extra trouble  to give you a constant check on"
   1 "two screens (you shoot bears be-tween screensful of ducks), is  more in the 'Invaders' mould    than anything else."'"  That makes it old-fashioned,  perhaps, but the fairground im- agery is suitably nostalgic.":
   1 "to cater for, the rubber buttonscope all right. There are 6 lev-els of difficulty, and we could not get to the bears even on theeasiest setting, so the chal-   lenge is there."
   1 "that can actually land the spaceshuttle, are feasible now. So   far it's cheaper to use people, but not for much longer.          OK, so where does the motorcy-cle come in? Well, we are about to get a boom in computerised   vehicle systems. Not just more"
   1 "tallcode"
   1 "reviews1"
   1 "nons mode to a more fuel-effi-  cient but still powerful touringmode, while you are on the move.  This makes it the worlds firstprogrammable motorbike. An exam-ple of an automatic system whichgives you more rather than less control over the machine."
   1 "miles-per-gallon and estimate   your time of arrival."'"  The big 6-cylinder Kwacka has a little box under the seat thatcontrols the fuel injection. It has sensors for engine and air  temperature, throttle opening,"
   1 "maze (a hundred, I reckon) to   the end without a rest stop.      He reports that this game, as well as being fast and infuriat-ing, has the interesting proper-ty of having been produced in   compiled BASIC.":
   1 "draw a line on a piece of paper (remember paper?). Don't worry  about the length of the line.   Concorde can just about struggleacross the WIDTH while the com- puter rotates its accumulator."
   1 "ders four other rooms unusable.   This is presented in the pub- licity handout as if it was pur-poseful, but I say it's a bug.  Trouble is, you don't know wherethe Attic is 'til you get there,whereupon entering the kitchen,":
   1 "can confuse it. This  happens   when the lower screen causes theupper to scroll half a line, butit shouldn't crash unless you   press both shifts after scroll."
   1 "but you can use apostrophes to  move down lines. (PRINT'') Com- mas don't work, but colons and  semi-colons are as normal. If   you use any of these things, you"
   1 "atmospheric pressure and RPM. Iteven has its own fairy light to tell you when it's gone wrong!    But most interesting is the   little switch on the handlebar  labelled 'cruise'. This enables you to change the state of tune from full snort, charge the can-"
   1 "West of kitchen, cuckoo's nest, or base of the East wall makes  the program crash."'"  Never mind, the game is loads of fun anyway, and must be the  only program that ever sold for more than list price, when the  first copies were fought over."
   1 "However, the BASIC keywords are expanded as usual, so listings  will look normal except for any graphics or in line colour high-lighting of REMs, etc."
   1 "A"-1 CLEARED 
   1 " Editorial         next page     Scoot and         ""shoot""       Software Reviews  ""reviews1""    Light Exorcise    ""ghosts""      Prang Stops Short ""taller"""
   1 " Catch Up Quick    ""tomato""      Software reviews  ""reviews2""    Letters from...   ""wokingham""      And...         ""winchester""  Guest Hacker      ""disassembl"""
   1 "  You must pilot your ship past obstacles and enemies in search of 'pods' needed to get to the  next level. You have a laser andcan destroy anything that shootsat you, but some hazards, like  'Crushers' must just be avoided."
   1 "  You have to bounce diagonally around the steps, changing theircolour, while avoiding the fall-ing globes, the snake (who comesat you intelligently), and the  wandering lobsters (who don't).":
   1 "  You don't have to be clever touse it, because the routine can take care of itself. You just   use PRINT and LIST as usual. Thebottom line remains at single   height, and CLS returns you to  to normal on the main screen."
   1 "  You can SAVE the code right   now (press 'S') or get the pro- gram to put it elsewhere first  by changing the variable in line1000 and running it again. Any  other key to turn the page."
   1 "  Willy's success has prompted  the use of a coloured code card to reduce piracy. You have prob-ably already seen schemes to de-feat this offered in small ads. It is a pity, but the best soft-ware is the most often stolen."
   1 "  Well of course it all depends on what sort of megacycle you   have in mind. I was thinking of a Kawasaki 1300. No one actuallyknows how fast it will go, be-  cause the sort of guys who try  to find out have absolutely no  grip on reality."
   1 "  Welcome to our Eighth issue."
   1 "  To use the routine, you must  call the code with RANDOMIZE USR(address) to switch on double   height. This USR call must also be used to clear the screen, as CLS returns you to short mode."
   1 "  Thus endeth the reading of thethe runes, the signs, portents, forebodings of disaster. Press  'R' to read again, 'L' to LIST  or any other to sally forth."
   1 "  This magazine is made up of a number of articles and programs chained together in a manner    similar to the 'HORIZONS' tape  that came with your computer. Itwill not work with microdrives."
   1 "  This is certainly the only    shooting gallery I've ever seen where the ducks get out and eat your ammunition, but you have toexpect unusual ideas from a firmthat names itself after a blot- ting out of the Sun."
   1 "  This is Eclipse's first entry into the software maelstrom, andlike many such, it would have   been a big hit if it had come   out a year ago. Single screen   arcade numbers are starting to  pall, and this one, while quite intricate and actually having"
   1 "  There is continuous music too,which can be turned off from    within the game by shooting the musical note in the little box  over on the right. I don't thinkthat you score anything at all  for doing this but it is extra- ordinarily therapeutic.":
   1 "  There is also a competition.  Nothing to do with your game    score, just some text questions.Send in the answers and maybe   win a graphics input device.      You can use Kempston, Fuller, or ZX Interface 2 joysticks, butwith only left, right, and fire"
   1 "  There is also a charming bug. When you get a high score, in-  stead of typing your initials,  press Caps and Symbol shifts to-gether, then press Enter three  times and your high score will  be identified by three dinky    Pogoes instead of letters!":
   1 "  The routine will ignore TABs  ATs and colour commands. It useswhatever colours are already on the screen, and it won't OVER orINVERSE either. You must pad outwith spaces to format columns,"
   1 "  The routine does not work withLPRINT or LLIST, so you must useCOPY to get double height print.  SCROLL works as normal, but ifyou use a command with more thanone line in the lower screen you"
   1 "  The other thing that disables the routine is the 'automatic'  listing that you get when you   enter or edit a BASIC line. Use LIST to get tall listings."
   1 "  The only bit missed from the  coin-fed version is the incom-  prehensible (Japanese?) cussing when your bouncing thing gets   caught. The rest of the sound   effects are good and the speed  and graphics are a near match tothe original."
   1 "  The keyboard controls are the four corner keys, and that workspretty well."'"  There are 16 levels, varying  in difficulty, with double col- our changes and extra hazards onthe later screens."
   1 "  The easiest way to use it is  to go through the articles in   sequence, following the prompts.However, there is a table of    contents on the next page, for  those who wish to go straight toa particular article or program."
   1 "  The difference is that Willy  may now find his way from room  to room in many different ways, instead of the fixed sequence ofManic Miner. It doesn't say on  the insert card, but there are  some 60 screens. It also doesn'tsay that visiting the Attic ren-"
   1 "  The code is presently working in address ";tallcode;",but you can putit anywhere you like and it willrun without any modification. Itwill even work with Microdrives."
   1 "  The Spectrum runs at nearly   four megacycles per second, but it needs four cycles to execute a simple m/c instruction, such  as copying one register into an-other, so it takes a whole mega-cycle (at least) to do anything."
   1 "  The Pilots don't have time forthis, they are too busy enter-  taining passengers on their oncein a lifetime visit to the Mach Two cockpit while the autopilot flies the plane."
   1 "  The COPY command does not turnoff the tall print like CLS doesbut do not put the 'taller' codein the printer buffer, as using the printer would wipe out the  routine, leading to a crash."
   1 "  The 'Willy' saga continues,   and if it is all very much in   the same vein, then that's not  at all a bad thing. This time itis claimed that Willy is engagedin a graphic adventure rather   than an arcade game."
   1 "  The 'Prize' in question may beas much as `5000, provided that Arcade sell 25,000 copies, as   they are putting 20p a copy intoa fund. Deadline January, so    there's plenty of time. You haveto win the game and send in a   photo of the final screen."
   1 "  Please note that some files   load in an unusual fashion, but they all auto-run and tell you  when to start and stop the tape."
   1 "  Perhaps when, burnt out (or   even cured) at the age of 24,   Matthew and Eugene go after a   daytime job, Ford will hire themto write the urban cycle opti-  miser for the 1990 model."
   1 "  Our Wizard Prang takes as muchinterest in multiple zeroes as  anyone (though as a notorious   cheat, he is not eligible to en-ter) and, pausing only to award himself unlimited lives, he shotright through the multi-screen"
   1 "  One helpful hint, (close your eyes if you don't want to know!)You can jump through the stair- cases if you hit the right spot.  Oh all right, it may have beenobvious to you, but I wish some-one had told me.":
   1 "  Nothing else you can see (thuscleverly excluding other elec-  tromagnetic phenomena and sub-  atomic particles) ever travels  anything like as fast. To see   how far Concorde moves in the   same period, at full chat of    course, take a sharp pencil and"
   1 "  Kempston, AGF, and Quickshot  joysticks are suitable, and you will want them unless you're an ace on the cursor keys. The mazewalls are not deadly and you caneven ram your foes, (some of    them), but you won't need that  camera right away!":
   1 "  In that speck of time, how farcan something really fast move? Take light, which travels three hundred thousand kilometres in awhole second. Divide by a mil-  lion and you get three hundred  metres, or three soccer pitches,more or less."
   1 "  In fact, the compiler is stillin there, and still usable, if  you know the right numbers! Un- fortunately, we cannot reveal   the details, as there is a com- petition at stake, and we don't want to spoil anyone's chances."
   1 "  I hope I'm still around to    ferret out the POKE that will   disable the top speed limiter   and pass on the info to you. In the meantime, keep reading the  LISTings!"'',"ED-"
   1 "  Given the sensors, manipulat- ing equipment, and software,    a Spectrum could fly Concorde   while totting up the takings of the duty free sales and BEEPing 'Come Fly With Me' in pseudo-   random keys."
   1 "  Diagonal movement means that  joysticks, mine anyhow, don't   work too well, full of false    neutrals. Kempston, Protek, and Interface 2 sticks work, but youaren't told this on the package,only in the program. Tut."
   1 "  But there is a link to the    other megacycle, the one that   bats about in the confines of   Uncle Clive's range of little   black boxes, and to a selection of other speedy items, like Con-corde and the space shuttle."
   1 "  As chips get larger, the indi-vidual elements get smaller, andthe signal no longer has to zip back and forth for 300 metres todo one little thing, but only,  say, 100 metres, and your compu-ter is three times as fast. As  if it needed it. Really sophis- ticated autopilots, like the one"
   1 "  A faithful copy of that great little florin gobbler, Q*BERT,  down the arcades. Some how beingchased about the screen by nastyitems always seems more true to life to me than blasting hordes of aliens, and this is one of   the more humourous of the genre."
   1 "      CONTENTS - SIDE TWO"
   1 "      CONTENTS - SIDE ONE"
   1 "          * SHAZAM! *"'"  Wizard Prang's height enhancernow controls your screen."''
   1  have taken over":
   1  have got you
   1  has been exorcized": 
   1  from    within the game by shooting the musical note in the little box  over on the right. I d
   1  WATCH OUT 
   1  ATTACKS";
   1  APS LTD 11111000000  1 GOLDEN SQUARE LONDON W1R 3AB         TEL. 01-437 0626              EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON  "
   1  11111000000 APS"
   1  10 POINTS + 5 BONUS 
   1  - RIGHT, 
   1   1 POINT":
   1     the SOLDIER GLOBOID>
   1                         ~